What is a healthy vagina?

Vaginal Health

Feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed? Don’t be. Easier said than done, I know, but vaginal health is one of the most important parts of a woman’s overall well-being, physically and mentally. Being able to talk freely and openly about such a vital part of our bodies is our right and shouldn’t be a shameful topic of conversation.
So here I am shouting from the rooftops: what is a healthy vagina?

Is my vagina normal?

No two vaginas are the same. We’re talking different shapes, sizes, colours – each one is unique. That’s what makes them so wonderful. So, what is normal when each one is unique?

Let’s start with the basics.
The vagina is actually the closed muscular canal inside the body, not the part we see, the vulva. The vulva is commonly the area that women look at and worry about. Should it be that shape? Should my labia be that long? Should it be that colour? The simple answer to these questions is, yes.


Why not go and grab yourself a mirror and take a look? If you’ve never done it before, I highly recommend giving yourself some time each week to conduct a self-examination and get to know the most intimate parts of you. In time, you’ll start to become more comfortable with yourself and how you look. Move bits around, get your torch up on your phone if you need to, and really get to know yourself. It’s no different to checking your breasts, it’s just this subject is still a little taboo.
The best thing about getting into the habit of checking yourself frequently is you’ll notice if there are any changes and be able to seek advice on them sooner.

The EMSELLA chair

Now, if you’re looking for a vaginal tightening treatment that’s quicker, easier and doesn’t involve going under the knife, this treatment is perfect.
The FDA approved EMSELLA chair, or The Happy Chair as we like to call it, is an incredible non-surgical aesthetic treatment that we offer at the Dr Rita Rakus clinic that puts a stop to those embarrassing moments. It’s quick, painless and performed while you remain fully clothed in a simple 30 minute treatment.
Using the same technology as our EMSculpt machines, all you have to do is take a seat in the EMSELLA chair and High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology contracts your entire pelvic floor region whilst you relax, doing the equivalent of approximately 12,000 kegel exercises in just half an hour. You’re then able to continue with your day as normal straight afterwards.

Some patients feel nothing at all, while others feel a little tingle. Some even say it can feel just like an orgasm – there are worse ways to spend 30 minutes of your day!

You’ll start to see results after your very first treatment and will continue to feel improvements over the following weeks. You may also notice a difference in your abs as well, as it’s all connected. At the clinic, we recommend doing a 30 minute treatment twice a week for 3 weeks, but as with all my treatments, each plan is tailored to your specific needs.

Some women experience pain during sex, and often worry about their vaginas being too tight. It’s important not to ignore it. A happy and healthy vagina should not be in any discomfort. Pain can happen because of forceful penetration, pelvic treatments or conditions such as endometriosis or vaginismus, or even anxiety and depression. Our mental health plays a huge part, and associating sex with pain can be a vicious cycle. These factors can cause a low level of arousal, resulting in vaginal dryness or tension in your pelvic floor muscles which in turn can cause pain. I would definitely recommend speaking to your doctor if this is the case for you.

As we age or have children, the vagina muscles can loosen. Often this can lead to issues with urinary incontinence, where we need to pee more often or do a little pee when we laugh, cough, sneeze or exercise.
It’s a common problem – over 50% of women in the UK over 40 experience it. As we get older, our estrogen levels begin to drop and our vaginal tissue becomes thinner, and after childbirth of course our vaginas will be a different shape. Although this is a common physical problem, it can have an affect on your mental health as well. If you feel embarrassed by it, there are ways to help.